Collaboration takes a load off!

Collaboration takes a load off!

A (braw) wee thought of the day. As a small business, or be it a personal brand, have you weighed up how much time you are spending on online promotion versus the traditional activities? Second thought, do you find it hard to cover all the bases or even track what you’re doing?

We’ve been working with Braw Wee Emporium for over a year now doing the brand’s digital marketing activities and being a small independent shop and workshop space, there’s always something to shout about (as cliché as it sounds).

What we love about working with owner, Jennifer, is not only her support of independent artists and local businesses but also her dedication to building a community in the East End of Glasgow. Now, this is not down to digital marketing alone, she’s got pretty awesome banter and works like a trojan! However, with day-to-day operation activities keeping Jennifer busy, we love to get stuck in to help create conversational newsletters, Facebook advertising and a style and tone for all the fun graphics on her e-commerce website. As a small business, it also gave us all the chance to bounce ideas off each other (over a large glass of wine of course), which gives Jennifer the time to focus on the present day. Therefore, we can concentrate on, and develop, a strategic marketing campaign plan for new products and seasonal events. As any good entrepreneur knows, collaboration brings creativity.  So, if you ever wonder why Barra Bear is dressed in a random outfit in any of our pics, you now know why…

Digital marketing can be a bit confusing and can be time consuming. Tech in Scotland is only going to keep advancing, and we’ll not even go down the social media road which has changes to algorithms daily! But let’s not forget what digital marketing really boils down to, getting you and your business in front of people. Done correctly, brand awareness leads to long term engagement and then loyalty. That’s the relationship goals we all want. And we have to say the Braw Wee customers are pretty amazing!


*The blog was written by the team at Yellow Bird Digital

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