Buy a Workshop Ticket & Help us Provide Free Workshops!

Buy a Workshop Ticket & Help us Provide Free Workshops!

Workshops have become a very important part of what we offer here at Braw Wee Emporium. We see our customers as a community of pals and running workshops has helped us build that community. We are also very aware of the benefits creativity has on mental wellbeing and the power of creative activities in bringing people together. We really want to spread these benefits! 

We estimate that we've had around 300 people come to the workshops since the first one just over two years ago. We recently decide to ask for some feedback on them. A recurring theme was how great it was to create something for themselves that had pride of place in their home. More importantly people said how much they had enjoyed themselves, and how it had really helped some people who were going through a hard time with illness, grief or just day to day life stresses we all have. 

We read an email today from a relative of someone who had attended a workshop while they were recovering from a longterm illness. They said the workshop had really helped them find new motivation to get on with life and get back to socialising and doing things. This is the most amazing feedback we could get, that what really started as a way to generate income is actually more about people now! 

However, we are very aware that not everyone can afford £35 to come to a workshop. Braw Wee boss Jennifer is really keen to get back to doing some Community Arts work, which was her life before the shop. So for every Bottle Lamp Workshop purchased we will either provide free spaces for folk to come along to one of our workshops or deliver a free workshop to a community organisation or group in Glasgow or surrounding areas.  

There are four ways you can get involved by buying any of the workshops or vouchers below! 

'Four Person Workshop Voucher' 

Bottle Lamp Workshop at Braw Wee Emporium 

Bottle Lamp Workshop at Phillies of Shawlands 

Private Bottle Lamp Party

Here's Jen with a bit more on the origin of the lampshade workshops...

The Lampshade making workshops actually came from me looking for a way to de-stress and get away from the computer, I wasn't in a particularly good place with my mental health due to money stresses, an unhappy personal situation, working constantly and not really seeing people. So I realised I had to do something that would keep my hands busy and away from the phone/computer. I ordered a lampshade kit from the internet and after it sitting for a few months, I got round to doing it one dark February night in the office. I was so pleased with myself - I loved my lamp....although I had put the frame in wrong and it made a pretty useless lampshade! 

It was also the moment I realised that I could be running lampshade workshops in the shop in the evenings. It could be some extra income which we desperately needed, would get folk into the shop and I would actually see real people! So now it is time to give back for what I have gained from the workshops!  

So you can come along have a fab afternoon, go home with a lamp but also help someone else have the same experience! We are aiming for 120 workshop spaces so that is 30 Workshop Vouchers! 

Get booking here! 

'Four Person Workshop Voucher' 

Bottle Lamp Workshop at Braw Wee Emporium 

Bottle Lamp Workshop at Phillies of Shawlands 

Private Bottle Lamp Party


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