Braw Wee Blog

Find out about our Jesmonite Terrazzo Coaster Workshop

Find out about our Jesmonite Terrazzo Coaster W...

Braw Wee Craft Club added a fun new workshop to our classes in our Glasgow studio this year, the Terrazzo Coaster workshop! Find out what Jesmonite is and how help...

Find out about our Jesmonite Terrazzo Coaster W...

Braw Wee Craft Club added a fun new workshop to our classes in our Glasgow studio this year, the Terrazzo Coaster workshop! Find out what Jesmonite is and how help...

Braw Wee Mobile Crafty Workshops

Braw Wee Mobile Crafty Workshops

Braw Wee workshops straight to your hoose or garden! We now have our own wee set of wheels which means we can bring our Arm Knitting & Bottle Lamp workshops...

Braw Wee Mobile Crafty Workshops

Braw Wee workshops straight to your hoose or garden! We now have our own wee set of wheels which means we can bring our Arm Knitting & Bottle Lamp workshops...

Braw Wee Craft Club to Launch in 2020!

Braw Wee Craft Club to Launch in 2020!

Launching in 2020 the Braw Wee Craft Club will see us expand our range of creative workshops we host from our space at Creative East End in Glasgow. The Braw...

Braw Wee Craft Club to Launch in 2020!

Launching in 2020 the Braw Wee Craft Club will see us expand our range of creative workshops we host from our space at Creative East End in Glasgow. The Braw...

Bottle Lamp Party Dates

Bottle Lamp Party Dates

Our Bottle Lamp parties are perfect for an alternative night out, hen do for all ages or just an excuse to get your pals together. Plus summer is nearly over and soon...

Bottle Lamp Party Dates

Our Bottle Lamp parties are perfect for an alternative night out, hen do for all ages or just an excuse to get your pals together. Plus summer is nearly over and soon...